Registration Fees

Registration Fees For Online Paper Presentation / Participation

Registration Fees For Paper Presentation / Participation in Physical Mode

Category Fees
Foreign Authors $300
Academician/Industry (Conference only) Rs.8000
Students/ PhD Research scholars (Conference Only) Rs.6000
Pre conference Tutorial/Workshops only Rs.4000
Academician/Industry (Tutorial + Conference) Rs.10000
Students / PhD Research scholars (Tutorial + Conference) Rs.7000

** Applicable only when all authors of a paper are students

Authors of the accepted papers are requested to make a zip file containing the following documents

  1. Camera ready version of full paper in (MS Word/ LaTeX and also PDF).
  2. Signed registration form.
  3. Payment receipt.
Camera Ready Paper (MS Word/ LaTeX and also PDF), filled up registration form, Payment receipt in a zip file [named as] to be emailed to

Contact for query: 85211 59014,